You think you missed something? No, you don't! I couldn't post for to days because of internet trouble and being totally busy with watching SA's worldcup crazyness. Ok, King Soccer has taken over, no one's watching any mountainbike footage anymore ;) (if that wasn't always so...) anyways, I'll try to find a goob blend between both of them:
Your fellow author on his way to Capetown. No, I'm not driving I'm holding a camera. Would be the wrong side for a driver seat in that country. Please mind the beard - it took me two weeks to grow it!
Just normal live on Capetowns Green Market Square. What a great place to go and inhale all the brio and joy of this great city.

I haven't had a good day shooting yesterday. Always too far on the left and I haven't had a lucky forefinger as well. I hate these days. And I hate them even more, when an important shooting is on the schedule. In the end it turned that I could use the one or the other - lucky me ;) (Ok, basically you can't get it wrong in these surroundings...)
Well, in the end I want to say thank you to Kai and his Dad Reinhold (the peeps I used to call "Customers" and now call "Friends") - I had a blast and really enjoyed South Africa! I wish you all the best with your business and really, really hope you guys gonna make it! And I'm closing this with a very famous Austrian Saying:
I'll be back!
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