Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

...and now for something completely different!

An off-day! Yeah!

Well, I was still working, but different stuff. And actually not really working, but well, let's say... helping - kind of ;) Due to organizational issues we decided to take a break for today and tomorrow. Good for me, so I can take care of my photo equipment (will be considered in tomorrows post) and take a little rest. Due to the fact that I find x-treme couching really boring I decided to follow my host and customer Reinhold to his small, experimental vinery and watch him making wine. That sounded interesting and so it was. But honestly, in the end i know now why I'm a sports shooter ;)

I'll just let the pictures talk. Making vine is a too sophisticated process to explain. (I would do so if I understood it...) This actually is a barrel of a 2009 season white wine, which is not ready yet. (I'm somehow sure my explanations sound pathetic - can't we talk about bikes again?)

Flowers have been interesting as well...

A vine-maker's view. Some of you might recognize that the color of this red wine (don't even have a clue which one) is a bit unusual. That is because... it's new!!! ;) 

Hope the temperature is alright...

And the most important ingredient for a good wine is... patience!!!


I'm sure this one is going to be perfect...

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